The FIFTY PLUS GROUP will meet this month on Friday, February 14 at 6:00 PM in the Parish Hall of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. This will be a “POT LUCK” dinner.
LAST NAME BEGINS WITH THE LETTERS: PLEASE BRING: A through H a Dessert Item I through N a Main Dish O through Z, a Side Dish.
The food you bring to the “POT LUCK” dinner should be enough to provide at least 4 or more portions. There will be NO COST to attend this meeting. FIFTY PLUS will provide some water, tea, and coffee, or you may choose to bring your own favorite beverage.
A Special Guest Star will provide the initial entertainment after dinner. While all of us celebrating Valentine’s Day are supposed to “Love One Another”, the Theme for this evening is “EVERBODY LOVES ELVIS!”. After our Special Guest Star’s act (about 40 minutes), the Dancing will begin. Put your dancing shoes on, and dance to the music of ELVIS PRESLEY! This Iconic Star was born 90 years ago on January 8, 1935. When he first signed with RCA Victor records in January, 1956, he earned 4 Gold Records by September that year. He went on to have a fabulous career until his untimely death on August 16, 1977.
Come join us for a memorable evening of great music, dancing and fun.
FIFTY PLUS is always looking for new members. If you are not a member yet, why not come out and give it a try. You do not have to be a member of the Parish to join. For information, please contact President Patricia Bush at [email protected].